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Bounty Road Dental Practice partners with Front Page Advantage for SEO and PPC

Established in 1948, Bounty Road Dental Practice is one of the oldest dental practices in Basingstoke, Hampshire. The practice covers general dentistry, typically serving the local community. They also specialise in dental implants with clients travelling from across the South-East of England attracted by their expertise, quality of service and competitive pricing.

The practice had been using a search engine optimisation (SEO) and pay per click (PPC) advertising agency for several years, so they knew that these methods could generate strong lead volumes. However, the initial results and service which had allowed the practice to grow were not being maintained, resulting in declining enquiry levels and diminishing value for money.

Declining enquiry levels, increased cost per click on Google Ads and a lack of service transparency

The thought of changing agencies was daunting, especially as the practice relied heavily on SEO and PPC to deliver appointment leads. However, they no longer felt their current agency was delivering the value they needed.

Ilhea Rhee, practice business owner explains; “We were finding that our fees were rising yet we were not consistently appearing against the expected search terms on Google. We were becoming increasingly frustrated, email queries weren’t answered clearly, and we were not getting regular reports. Each time we complained it was followed by an uplift in bookings and enquiries but then it would quickly drop off. It was a difficult decision, but we needed to see if switching agencies would deliver better results.”

The practice wanted a long-term partner with a good reputation, supported by strong customer reviews and who could quickly deliver results. Clear communications, regular campaign reviews and being a Google certified partner were also on their wish list.

Ilhea adds; “We aren’t digital experts, so didn’t want lots of technical jargon. We needed easy to understand transparent reporting and charging breakdowns that would help us evaluate if we were receiving value for money”.

Ilhea says; “Our previous agency billed us a lump sum each month so the cost split between Google clicks and agency fees was unclear. We even wondered if some months there was little spent on clicks, but we were still charged the same amount. When we gave notice of our intention to leave, the agency refused to transfer our Google Ad account. However, we were determined that we weren’t going to be held to ransom.” 

Switch to Front Page Advantage, a long-term partner committed to continually delivering excellent results for SEO and PPC

After online research, the practice identified Front Page Advantage, an award-winning Hampshire based agency. They met all their requirements, plus where most agencies lock customers in to 12-month contractual periods, Front Page Advantage offers a 30-day contract so customers can be assured of continually getting great results. They would also gain the consistency of a dedicated account manager covering both SEO and PPC. With all Front Page Advantage staff having been with the firm over five years, they offered both stability and experience.

The practice chose the Bronze SEO and PPC packages which includes 7 hours per month of management time spread equally between the two disciplines. This meant the practise would get free traffic from highly ranked search terms but also the paid for traffic from Google Ads – for where it’s harder to compete with organic rankings e.g. locations outside of the practices immediate geography.

Lucy Griffiths, Front Page Advantage Director adds; “Agencies owning Google accounts and not transferring them or locking clients into long contracts isn’t how we keep our customers. At Front Page Advantage, we use our service and results to retain and build long lasting customers. We offer 30-day contracts and give clients ownership of their Google account. We are confident they won’t, but customers can easily change agency if they are not happy. Google account ownership also means that clients have visibility of where their money is going as they get one invoice from Google and one from Front Page Advantage “.

Normally, when a client switches agencies, Front Page Advantage analyse the client’s Google account to identify what’s working, what’s not and develop a strategy. Lucy goes on to explain; “An existing account offers useful insight as well as providing a benchmark for the client to measure against. Not having access to the account, just means we have to set up a new account and have to carry out our analysis of the business and their market in other ways. Fortunately, we can still achieve great results in a relatively short timeframe. “

Once up and running, the practice has regular meetings to discuss what has or hasn’t worked followed by a plan of action with targets for the following month.  The practice also updates Front Page Advantage on their capacity for dental implant appointments so spend can be allocated to the times when it was most needed, maximising their budget.  For example, when consultant appointments are fully booked spend is decreased and when appointments are low it is increased.

Quick turnaround of results with a 44% increase in patient enquires with a 24% reduction in cost per enquiry

Front Page advantage were up and running and turned results around very quickly.  Ilhea says “When we switched to Front Page Advantage, Lucy and the team quickly turned the results around and we are now appearing in the top three positions for all the terms we want to rank. We are now consistently number one for the most searched term. We keep telling them that we will pay for more hours, but they tell us we are already paying for enough hours as they can’t get us higher than number one for our most searched term!”

The practice has seen a 44% increase in enquiries for the same click spend and cost per enquiry has dropped dramatically by 24% (see image below).

The campaigns now deliver a fantastic return on investment with the cost of the service equating to around 7% of the income generated from the resulting cosmetic dental surgery appointments.

To ensure Front Page Advantage provides the best results to clients, they have a policy of not taking on more than one client from the same industry in the same geographical area. If your dental practice is outside of the Basingstoke area, then get in contact to find out about how we can help you generate more customer enquiries and bookings. Additionally, if you are a business who is considering switching agency get in contact and ask to speak to Chris or Lucy on 01256 517473 or by email on

Bounty Road Dental Practice

Learn how switching agencies delivered an impressive 44% increase in patient enquires for the same spend