Global Software Company – Google Ads
The Brief:
As the client had been using Google Ads for a long while we do a free review of the account before offering our services so that we are sure we can add value to the client’s campaigns. Obviously in this case we spotted a number of opportunities that we believe would increase the number of Demos at a lower cost per click. These two factors would have a significant increase on the customers ROI which is calculated based on (Turnover –Variable Costs –Google Ads Cost)/ Google Ads Cost. For software companies the variable costs are usually negligible, so it becomes a question of maximising the sales made through demos for the lowest Google Ads Cost. This will be different per company especially if there are large set up costs for the software.
The client wishes to remain anonymous due to competitive information included in this case study but below are what we achieved in the first 4 months of the campaign. Prior The client had good conversion tracking set up in the Google Ads account to track Demos requested which is essential for calculating a ROI for the PPC campaign. Its also a clear metric for us to work with and means our performance of delivering sales is clear for all to see. In the 4 months of the previous year (important to look at the same months in seasonable industries) the client achieved 104 downloads of the Demo software at a cost of just under £14k for the Google Spend plus whatever they paid there previous PPC Agency. This worked out to around £130 per demo download. Not all these demos converted to eventual purchases and we will keep this confidential.
The client had good conversion tracking set up in the Google Ads account to track Demos requested which is essential for calculating a ROI for the PPC campaign. Its also a clear metric for us to work with and means our performance of delivering sales is clear for all to see.
In the 4 months of the previous year (important to look at the same months in seasonable industries) the client achieved 104 downloads of the Demo software at a cost of just under £14k for the Google Spend plus whatever they paid there previous PPC Agency. This worked out to around £130 per demo download. Not all these demos converted to eventual purchases and we will keep this confidential.
The Results:
Looking at our first 4 months we delivered 239 demo downloads which is a 130% increase. Even before looking at the cost any company would be delighted with this performance even at the same cost per download. Not only did we deliver a huge increase in downloads, but the Google Ad spend was only £15k meaning the cost per download was £64 less than half what they were paying previous. So the combination of a massive increase in sales at a significant lower cost resulting in the ROI increasing from a very good 53% to an outstanding 212%.
These sorts of results are possible when everything is tracked, the PPC agency fully understands the clients product and there is a real collaboration between all parties to maximise every opportunity. With successes like this we have gone from managing one of this clients subsidiaries accounts in one country to managing 6 subsidiaries in over 40 countries.
If you have the ability to give your potential customer a download or sample of what they will be buying then Google Ads can work extremely well in both delivering leads but also showing you exactly what it is costing you to do this.
It is also a good example of what can be achieved when you partner closely with a PPC agency like ourselves making sure both parties understand the product and the customer to ensure the Ads hit the mark on delivering sales.
If you have a software business and thinking of investing in a Google Ads PPC campaign, then contact us to talk through what might be possible so we can deliver outstanding results like the above together.
If you would like to chat with us to see if we can do the same for your Google Ads campaign then give us a call on 01256 517473 or use the contact form.