Beauty clinic sees x10 fold increase in relevant traffic from Google within 18 months via a local SEO campaign
This beautician is based in Southampton but had not had any SEO work done before thus were looking for guidance from a trusted SEO Agency which is where Front Page Advantage comes in.
This beautician offers non-surgical aesthetic treatments from their Southampton based premises and also sell beauty products directly via the website. This client was looking to bring in more customers rather than rely on existing customers and referrals. We chatted through the options with regards SEO and also Google Ads, settling on SEO because the business owner wanted a more sustainable sales inflow rather than paying for every click to the website.
We explained that SEO isn’t a quick win and a medium-term approach so that the business owner knew to not expect a massive increase in sales from month one but over time they would see an increase. The client also had challenges with their Google My Business profile as had moved premises with the new locations pictures not looking particularly good so wanted help solving this.
Challenge: Bring in new local customers for non-surgical treatments and sell beauty products nationally.
With SEO agreed on as the right way to go, we went about researching all the search terms used for the various treatments, including the problems/concerns that people search for so we could build up relevant content. We want to ensure we touch all high search traffic consideration topics before people choose to buy or book an appointment.
We shared the results with the client and talked about which treatments generated the most profit thus warranted the client paying for our time to grow the enquiries. This provides enough information for us to get started on building the campaign and starting to deliver results for the client.
Like many of our serviced based clients, the business owner works in the business and has appointments throughout the day so we mainly contact via email enabling the client to reply in between appointments or they can just call us when they have a gap.
Solution: The client went for our Bronze SEO Package to touch all points of SEO but for a manageable budget.
The client had a real frustration with the images on their Google My Business which was a very quick fix for us to implement. It’s a good example of where clients can spend hours searching the internet for solutions without resolution or a 10-minute task for us to solve.
Next up was the more fundamental task of implementing all the technical SEO changes to the website to reflect the keyword strategy we agreed.
In the chart below you will see how the traffic evolved over the past 18 months we’ve been working with them. We started in August 2021 and in the first 3 months there was very little change in the traffic levels but remember SEO is a medium-term plan and we communicated this with the client right from the start, so this wasn’t a surprise. In January 2022 we started to see a climb in the search results and this trend has continued. Within the overall traffic volume results the client has seen some traffic levels drop for keywords that previously drove traffic but no bookings. Now we are driving climbs in the Google rankings for keywords that actually generate business.
In Sept 2022 we had the highest number of website bookings ever, but the client has chosen to keep this confidential thus not showing in the below results.
Benefits: The website is now a source for new business, not just a booking tool for existing customers.
We continue our work to climb the rankings for the keywords that are generating online bookings but also those that are generating email/phone bookings to ensure every source of lead is maximised.
At the time of writing the traffic and bookings are continuing to climb in a sustainable way and the online presence reflects the image of what the clients premise portrays.

Like many of our customers, throughout this entire process we have needed very little input from the client and just implemented the agreed strategy giving clear transparent reporting on progress. If the client becomes full booked for the existing premise, we are well prepared to pause our efforts, as can often happen when capacity is limited, but we are here to support our client’s growth agenda.
If you’ve got a beauticians, hairdressers, or business that requires bookings in a local area via your website, then why not get in touch to see if the same strategy will work for you. We can even send through a free 10-minute SEO health check video showing the areas working well and the areas for improvement on your website. Just get in touch and we can chat through whether we can help.