SEO In 2023

What will SEO look like in 2023?

Of course, none of us has a crystal ball. However, January is traditionally a time for taking stock and looking forward. So if you’re wondering what 2023 has in store in terms of search, you’re not alone. That’s especially true given the growing number of Google updates – there were eight official ones and a number of unconfirmed upgrades during 2022 (and counting.) So you need to adapt your SEO strategy accordingly, to keep it relevant and fresh.

Here, we pick out a few highlights to watch out for.

  • The importance of visual content

Short-form videos and image searches are increasingly popular, with results shared via social media – on which more people are relying to locate what they need online. Make visual search a key part of your 2023 SEO strategy.

  • Facing up to the biggest challenges ahead

When respected industry website Search Engine Journal identified strategy concerns, it listed a lack of resources and even some lingering pandemic-related issues among the key challenges of last year.

Looking ahead to 2023, the same respondents highlighted five key potential threats for the coming months, including:

  • Machine learning and AI (18.7%)
  • Google updates (18.0%)
  • Third-party cookie deprecation (13.9%)
  • Google zero-click pages (12.9%)
  • Competition for talent (11.5%)
  • Look at context

Results are increasingly influenced by the context of a search. So, for example, if you search for pizza, you’ll get local restaurants rather than recipes, since context includes geographic location. Current events also affect search, as part of what is called Google’s Freshness algorithm. These factors are set to remain important throughout next year.

  • Authenticity and usefulness

With product reviews, for example, it’s not enough for a webpage just to review a product. It has to be authentic and useful into the bargain, signifying a major shift in the way Google ranks sites. Bear this in mind for your 2023 strategy.

  • A focus on topics

 Keep in sight that Google’s understanding of the world is based on topics rather than keyword phrases. Content may not read in a natural way when it focuses on keywords. So rather than focusing on keyword stuffing (something Google is already pretty sensitive about), concentrate on the topic in hand and make content as relevant and useful to the reader as possible.

As we have already mentioned, no one knows for sure what 2023 holds in terms of search or, for example, how many Google updates there will be during the months ahead. However, we hope the above pointers serve as a start as the new year begins.

We’re here at Front Page Advantage to provide guidance on your SEO at all times – get in touch if you have any questions about the changes to make to your own strategy.

Finally, of course, best wishes for a very happy and prosperous 2023 from us all.